You are The Prototype: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

August 3, 2020

You are so uniquely and wonderfully made, don’t let nan body convince you otherwise! It’s written that He knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. Your place in this life is so unique and important. Your beauty is incomparable. Earthly standards have no bearing on what truly matters. 

OutKast - Prototype on Make a GIF

If you’ve ever seen the Andre 3000 “Prototype” video you’d know the reference that this shoot was based off of. Outside of the cute and extraterrestrial storyline, the ability for Andre to sit in who he is as an individual is a goal. This man stepped out of a space ship with a whole alien family. Now this may seem strange and funny at first but think about the confidence in oneself that you must have in order to be confident about this visual. There were no boundaries on his creativity and that is what we call playing your part in life; Being who God called you to be. Unique. We should all take a note from Andre 3000 and Big Boi too!

gif me 90's MTV hip-hop Outkast andre 3000 •

What’s the point in being afraid to be yourself? What if I told you that you limit your blessings by not walking fully in the confidence of who you are? Well ladies and gentlemen, that’s a fact. Human standards are just that…human standards. Stand in your place and allow your God given gifts to speak for themselves.We’ve all been waiting on you to walk in your purpose. Some people are betting on you to stay in your shy shell because they see your light. It’s up to you to prove them wrong. You’re a child of light. A Kingdom kid. As Christians, we’re a part of the same lineage as Christ. Walk in that authority and position.  Change lives with what you were born to do.


Think about this….your gifts are not for you. But they will make room for you! You being your ultimate self is not for you. It’s to serve the lives of others. There are little kids and grown ups waiting on you to bloom. Their future is dependent on yours. You are the example. Your gift could change the entire trajectory of someone’s life. That’s pretty heavy? I have be real with you.

Imagine if Outkast decided not to…OutKast. Lives were changed. This is for the kids like me who were cool but weren’t cool enough for the cool kids. This is for the kids who felt like a loner or even an outcast because their interests didn’t fit mainstream. Because of people like Andre and Big Boi we saw that fitting in was actually lame. And we were the cool kids. 

Outkast-Gif-1 ⋆ BYT // Brightest Young Things

Take note to this…there will always be a hater but being shy and not confident is your worst enemy. Don’t be your biggest hater. Don’t play your greatness. Fearfully and Wonderfully made? This is not even a game. Despite what you may have heard growing up, you are Great. Despite what relationships have made you feel like? You are seen and valuable. How does it feel to know that He molded your inner and outer being before you were even born? I want to see you all be great and know it deep down from your head to your toes. 

Psalms 139: 14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

You are wonderfully created. Own it!

“I think i’m in love again. I think i’m in love again”

Be willing to fall in love with who you are again despite the scars. 

Do somethin’ out of the ordinary.

Photography By Patrick Lamar II

Creative Direction & Styling – Clothing, Hair and Makeup by Nave.

Models: Kamrin Cooper

Spread love and light. Encourage someone today. 

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